Ms_DOS executable modules
Dr Jean-François Parrot
The use of the Ms_DOS executable modules that are on this site requires the following general structure: 1) all the images to be treated must be located in a folder in C: \images\name_of_directory; for example, C:\images\mexico\texcoco.raw 2) all these images with format and extension .raw, must have an attached descriptive file with extension .txt with the following information: number of lines, number of columns, number of bytes, dynamic range (minimum and maximum) and pixel size. See the detailed definition of the required configuration in the TLALOC or FROG software manual that can be downloaded in the following website:

"Catálogo General de los Módulos Disponibles" (ver los títulos de los artículos, libros y capítulos)

“Generación de Modelos Digitales de Terreno raster. Método de Digitalización (2014).”

“Simulaciones: Una Visión Dinámica del Espacio Geografico (2015).”

"Digital Elevation Model of coastal and flood plains obtained from vector data: an adaptive method (2015)."

J.-F. Parrot, Mexico, 2015